I upgraded my Intrepid install a couple of months ago to Jaunty, but I haven’t got the chance to blog about it. In fact it’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog. The update is fairly straight forward, and as expected, broke several functions in my lappie, namely graphic acceleration and bluetooth. For fglrx, I suggest you to stick to the ubuntu sanctioned package, available from their repos, since the newest package from ATI broke several things in my box, such as Xinerama 🙁 You can refer to my intrepid post on how to install it from Ubuntu repos
For bluetooth, you still need to install omnibook-source package. The steps to get it to work is almost the same as on my intrepid howto, with a couple of changes here and there. Get everything you need to build a module by opening console and type:
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential
After that, double click on the omnibook-source file to install the package. Follow the instruction. Next is to build the module:
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$sudo m-a a-i omnibook-source
To activate the bluetooth adapter immediately, type:
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$sudo modprobe omnibook ectype=14 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
The next thing to do is to get the bluetooth adapter to start on boot. Add the module to the /etc/modules. Open the file by console
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$sudo nano /etc/modules
Add a new line, and put omnibook then save. My /etc/modules looks like this:
fuse lp sbp2 omnibook
Next, create script that will be executed on boot:
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/omnibook
….and add the following line to the file
options omnibook ectype=14 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
Save, and reboot. The bluetooth adapter should work after reboot.
To get bluetooth to work after a hibernate, do the following steps :
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$ cd /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$ sudo nano 89bluetooth
Put these lines on the file:
rmmod -f omnibook
modprobe omnibook ectype=14 userset=0 lcd=0 display=0 blank=0 battery=0 ac=0 bluetooth=1
Save. Set the file to be executables by :
surfer@M5MobileMark-II:~$ sudo chmod 755 89bluetooth
After that, bluetooth adapter should be able to start after resume