The Humble Bundle has released their newest Bundle. The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle. Well Technically it isn’t a bundle since there is only one game, Frozen Synapse. But, if you pay more than the average (which is USD4.5) You will also receive the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle which includes Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Splot, and Jack Claw.
I think I’m gonna skip this one, since I already have the Frozenbyte bundle, and Frozen Synapse.. well.. doesn’t excite me.
oh jadi ini berbayar ya pak?
ato ada versi free nya π untuk lucid terutama, heheheh
iya, ini bayar π FYI, harga humble bundle itu ga fix, mau bayar USD 1 juga boleh. Ga mahal kan? π