When I got my K100D, the first lens that I sought the most is the 50mm fast prime… until I realized that combining the 50mm lenses with cropped APS-C sensor is not so ideal. 50mm on APS-C sensor translate to roughly 75mm, which is a tad too long for a normal,
walkaround lens.
So I decided to look for shorter prime lens (or.. fast normal zooms, but those are expensive), and this is what I got :

I found the lens at Pasar Baru Jakarta, selling for Rp 150.000 (roughly US$15). The condition is pretty bad. The filter thread is slightly damaged, making attaching a filter quite a pain, there are fungus all over the lens, the metal contact for auto aperture setting is missing (so I can’t set the aperture from my K100D). But other than that. I’m quite happy with the result that I had from the lens 🙂 Below are some of the photos that I took with the A28: