For quite sometime, Argetine internet users have been denied from querying certain individual names on search engines like Google and Yahoo. For example, if You try to search for Maradona on Yahoo, it will give you absolutely 0 result:
The translation of the notice put by Yahoo on their search result is as follows:
On the occasion of a court order sought by private parties, we have been forced to temporarily remove some or all of the search results relating to it
This is caused by some kind of censorship mandated by Argentine Official to some of the search engines to prevent them showing result for queries regarding certain individual ranging from celebrities to judges and public officials.
Funnily, you can bypass this by intentionally put misspelled word on your query. If you search for “mardona”, Yahoo will automatically includes result for query about “maradona”

The line
Hemos incluido los resultados para maradona
translate to
We have included the results for maradona